Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Baby Dumping


what actually already heapend on our life today ? what the hell are you. do you think by dumped the newborn will settle all the problems that had been created by your own. newborn baby dosn't do anything to us so that we can just left them in front of mosque, in front someone house, and the worst scenario is when we found the baby dead due to its already ate by dog because the baby was dumped inside dumping area.

why all this thing happened in Malaysia that majority of the citizen was a muslim. In muslim believe, killing human is really huge sins. does all these people does not afraid to what Allah will punish them.

if we check in news worldwide, we will discovered that baby dumping only happened in Malaysia. WHY??? Thus other country does not have any problem with the Y generation's social problems. WHY??? thus other country does not have prostitution problems. why baby dumping happened in Malaysia but not in other country???

many initiative had been done by Malaysian Government to solve this problem. sex education, free condoms, and religion education in school had been conduct but we still can't see the improvement. statistic state, most of the time we will get the baby dumping cases is at the end of the year. we should stop and think why its happened.

in this situation, we cant put one blame only to one government only. Due to world globalisation era, a lot of things are able to be excess just at the tips of the finger. teenagers are exposed to many things without any control. Parent at the house supposed to monitor all the activities of their children. Now days, both of this important person in family are busy with their own works. It's make their children fell lonely and try to get the the happiness from their friends and mate. This situation may lead to social problems.

in other countries, there no bad perceptions to have sex without married. They don shy to deliver the child without the father of the child.that why there no report on case baby dumping. But in Malaysia, we unable to accept this situation because we still hold traditions. I didn't try to said this tradition is not good, but if we can accept this child born in this world, this crisis wont be a big problem. this newborn is unsin toward the mistake that had been done by their parent.

Baby dumping is a problem that can be control effectively if all personal involved and take part in prevent it.  

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